Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Breadth 1


  1. This would be an excellent idea to investigate line and pattern in man made structures for your concentration.
    See: http://www.studentartguide.com/featured/as-photography-covert-obscure
    This isn't exactly what I am suggesting but the gist is how you can crop (as you have so brilliantly here) and create a work of art from something in the environment that people pass every day.
    The idea being: stop, slow down, notice this, etc.
    And how the rule of thirds and a good subject can create a free standing abstract piece all on its own from something not intended.
    The way you used your shadows on the blue car shot above shows me that you were investigating this already but the viewer didn't really know where to look. Zeroing in like this makes it very obvious and creates a simple yet sophisticated piece of art.
    I suggest going and standing under or right beside buildings and shoot upwards to get the reflected windows and lines.

    You could even stick with the blues and greens and yellows (grays and silvers) of this shot for continuity.
    This could progress to night shots as downtown seems to have many neon buildings and lights now. I would definitely use cropping as your main composition tool as you have here. Just a thought.

    Maybe not what you will end up with but your other idea of illustrating on the tablet looks like it is going to be too time consuming to be effective. That could wait for next year, it would go in a drawing portfolio and you will have had time to gather/create more artwork.
